Smells like bread


When the bread is handmade like the old times it can be a pleasure for our senses. This is the reason why there are some bakeries that are still making the bread traditionally to offer its customers high value and high quality, with more flavor, better texture, more variety and more ingredients. In other words, it is a bread that stands out for its authenticity and the history of the bakeries. Precisely, for these reasons, we suggest you to visit some of the more emblematic bakeries of Barcelona and we invite you to smell the one-of-a-kind scent of freshly-baked bread.

Fleca Balmes

This bakery opened for the first time in 1908 and has passed from generation to generation. Eduard Crespo, his owner, is an important reference in the Barcelona bakery innovating and experimenting with the dough, yeasts and ingredients. We can find this bakery in 156 Balmes street where we can taste its top products: the Sant Jordi bread, the sailor’s bread (that can last 20 days), or the ‘masia’ bread, very popular in the neighborhood.

balmes - Liz Castro
Foto: Liz Castro

Forn Sant Josep

Located in 98 Roger de Llúria street, this bakery was founded in 1913 and combines the innovation and the tradition: from artisan production to new ideas and flavors. The specialties of the house are: the ‘vidre’ bread (glass), the water bread, the rustic bread or the white chocolate croissants. In addition, you can smell the scent of bread during all day long! Fantastic!

josep - Alaina Lockowandt
Foto: Alaina Lockowandt

Forn Roura

This bakery opened in 1924 and has passed from generation to generation three times. The shop maintains the original aesthetics of the place in 15 Calaf street. Besides bread, they also make handmade pastries like the old times and they serve them behind an old wood and marble desk. Which are its specializations? A delicious ‘pa de pagès’ bread, the artisan cakes and the ‘glass’ bread.

roura - fnogues
Foto: fnogues

Forn Mistral

This bakery is famous for the croissants, mini croissants and the “ensaimades” (a spiral-shaped pastry typical from Mallorca) and it has been in Ronda Sant Antoni 96, in the center of Barcelona, for six generations. It has a big range of bread: ecologic, made of spelt, made of wheat, with seeds… If we want to take a break, relax and taste this delicatessen with a hot chocolate or a coffee, thee is also coffee shop and a tearoom in 7 Torres i Amat street.

mistral - Premshree Pillai
Foto: Premshree Pillai

Forn de la Concepció

This bakery (74 Girona street) closed some time ago but it was a famous old modernist bakery considered local heritage of cultural interest. Although we cannot buy bread nor pastries, we can still observe its peculiar and attractive architecture in the modernist route.

forn concepció - jorapa
Foto: jorapa

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