Urban paradises: the best spa in Barcelona


Christmas season is over. The long-waited short holidays and the big meals are gone. January is for new beginnings and it also is for working and dealing with obligations. To make this moment of the year easier, from MH Apartments, we suggest you different options to find out the best spot of Barcelona to chill out and dedicate some time to your wellness.

Aire de Barcelona

In this spa the city’s history is breathed. It is placed in an ancient meat warehouse of Mercat d’El Born. Its tall stone walls take in some facilities created to relax the five senses: thermal baths, massages, body care treatments… We recommend you the Aire Mediterráneo ritual to get ready for the winter. This C+C vitamin cocktail combines aromatherapy and a bath session with a facial treatment and body massage. Its antioxidant function repairs and prevents the ageing of the skin. Get your skin ready for the cold weather!

faroles-de-recepcion-banos-arabes-y-spa-aire-de-barcelonaPhoto: Aires de Barcelona

Aqua Urban Spa

Do you have to get on a plane and you have arrived early to check-in? Make the most of your time in the facilities this spa has in T1 Barcelona Airport. Its services includes anti-ageing and pregnancy treatments. Enjoy its therapeutic routes focused on stimulating products like wine or chocolate. Aqua Urban Spa has also a centre in Barcelona downtown where the variety of the treatments is bigger.

aqua-urban-spaPhoto: Aqua Urban Spa


Isolate your body and mind in a sensorial wall cavity. This original option combines 600 litres of water and 300 kilos of salts in a 2,5mx1,6m closed tank. This system eliminates the gravity, the light, the sound and the touch. All the external stimulus disappear and we disconnect from the outside world.

Each wall cavity is placed in a private room. An environmental music indicates us the beginning of the session. It takes one hour. The treatment finishes with a shower that brings us back to the real world. A good way to fight stress, soothe the pain and… stimulate our imagination!

flotariumPhoto: Flotarium

Metropolitan Sagrada Familia

The best way to finish an intensive sport session is getting relaxed in a spa. This gym offers a complete and luxury thermal circuit where you can relax, tone up and enjoy a sort of beauty treatments. In the fitting rooms of the centre there is a hot tub, a Turkish bath and a sauna. In the common area, you can relax in a sauna with a TV inside, a hot tub, a hammam, a bithermic and vapour shower and a fountain of ice.

metropolitanPhoto: Club Metropolitan

Rituels d’Orient

The tradition of Moroccan and Turkish hammas arrives at Barcelona. Its benefits are well-known from a long time ago. The Turkish baths offer circuits which combine different temperatures and humidities.

They start with a purification bath or treatment which prepare body and mind to the beauty or health ritual. Caramel depilation stands out from its services. It only uses sugar, lemon and water. With this 100% natural technique, the skin gets exfoliated and hydrated and delays the hair reapparance. A complete present for your body!

marbres-rituels-d-orient-barcelonaPhoto: Rituels d’Orient

But more and more people who are committed to living a tourist experience that is just as comfortable as if they were at home, so, bloom proposals apartments in Barcelona and apartments in Prague, spaces equipped with everything you need is there for you can rest, cooking and spending time relaxing with your family.

Cover photo: jaideemassagessence
MH Apartments