Tag Archives: Barcelona

The best popular races in Barcelona


Barcelona has a lot of different races throughout the year. Wherever you go, especially after the burning sun goes down, you will see runners from all over the world training in all of the different areas in this amazing city. Running is definitely the most popular form of training in Barcelona. For residents, but also […]

Las mejores carreras populares de Barcelona


Barcelona ofrece una gran cantidad de diferentes carreras durante todo el año. Las calles de Barcelona ofrecen al turista la típica estampa de corredores de todas las edades practicando un deporte que está muy de moda en la ciudad desde hace muchos años. Y es que correr es, sin duda la forma de entrenamiento más […]

Tips for Barcelona Marathon 2020



Once again, the city of Barcelona is preparing to host what is undoubtedly one of the sporting events of the year: the Zurich Marathon Barcelona 2020. A reference point in international athletics since 1978, it is now consolidated as the fourth most popular marathon in Europe, only surpassed by those of Berlin, Paris and London. […]