Navidad en Madrid. Plaza Cibeles

Christmas 2019 in Madrid


At MH we love Christmas. Lights, reunions, gifts and that special atmosphere that is breathed in the streets and houses make Christmas one of the most magical times of the year. And if we talk about this magical festivity we must talk about some cities that shine with their own light when Christmas impregnates the streets. Christmas markets and various celebrations that transform cities into fairytale places.

And we are lucky, because Madrid, Barcelona and Prague, our MH cities, are those places where Christmas is lived in a special way and where we will enjoy everything they offer at this time of year. If you are planning to travel to Madrid, Barcelona Prague in winter, in MH Apartments we tell you the best plans to spend Christmas in Madrid, Barcelona and Prague.

Christmas in Madrid: what to do?

It is true that Madrid presumes to have many parties spread throughout the year. However, one of the most spectacular is, undoubtedly, Christmas. It is at this time of year when the city dresses up in its best clothes and welcomes locals and visitors in the best possible way: from late November until approximately Three Kings Day, Christmas lights fill the main streets of downtown Madrid with magic and colour…

Christmas lighting in Madrid

Christmas lights in Madrid are quite a spectacle. And this year they will be even more so, as the number of illuminated streets and squares increases with respect to previous years. Some of the traditional ones, such as calle Mayor or calle Montera, will show us a new design. Just like Gran Vía, which this year will present an illumination emulating a starry sky. Two of the sites to be “premiered” this year are the Plaza de Oriente and the Central courtyard of the Conde Duque.

The traditional and majestic Christmas firs, located (once again) in Puerta del Sol, Plaza Mayor, Callao or Colón, among other places, are not to be missed.

Cortylandia, a show for the whole family

And to talk about Christmas in Madrid is to talk about Cortylandia, one of the classic Madrid Christmas shows that starts earlier this year than ever before: 14 November. Like every year, El Corte Inglés in calle Preciados will offer us a show for the youngest but also for the rest of the family.

Organized by El Corte Inglés since 1979, this is a show that takes place every Christmas on its facade and consists of an altarpiece full of figures that move and sing to the rhythm of the music and concentrate an average of 3000 people. Although the theme varies, what does remain is the chorus, which surely many of you already know: “¡Cortylandia, Cortylandia, vamos todos a cantar. Alegría en esas fiestas porque ya es Navidad!” (“Cortylandia, Cortylandia, let’s all sing. Happy holidays because it’s Christmas!”).

Navidad en Madrid

Plaza Mayor Christmas Market

Like other major European cities (such as Prague, where Christmas is also experienced in a very special way), Madrid also has its Christmas market. Every year, the traditional Plaza Mayor Christmas market is filled with colorful booths (about 104 approximately) where locals and tourists can find all kinds of Bethlehem figures, Christmas musical instruments, toys, jokes and much more. An event organised every year by the Christmas Market Association on the Playa Mayor and which, without a doubt, is already a Christmas classic in Madrid.

New Year’s Eve 2019 in Madrid

Talking about New Year’s Eve in Madrid is talkng about one of the most important celebrations with the iconic Puerta del Sol as its neuralgic point. Every year, since the end of the 19th century, thousands of people gather on the last night of the year (New Year’s Eve, Nochevieja in Spanish) to receive the new year by eating the 12 grapes and at the sound of the 12 bells. And after welcoming the new year, nothing like ending the night (or starting the morning) with a delicious chocolate with churros. Chocolatería San Ginés, Chocolatería 1902 or Churrería siglo XIX are some of the most typical places to have the best chocolate with churros in Madrid.

The same day, 31st, a few hours before, also takes place some of the most popular sporting activities: the traditional San Silvestre Vallecana, a popular race with 55 years of history and which is also the most crowded of all the San Silvestre in Spain.

Christmas in Madrid: where to stay?

Do you want to live a unique Christmas in Madrid? At MH Apartments we have exclusive apartments in Madrid. Located in an unbeatable location, very close to Puerta del Sol and Playa Mayor, our MH Central Madrid apartments are fully equipped, soundproofed and decorated to the last detail to make the most of your stay in Madrid.

Barcelona and Praga in Christmas

Barcelona and Prague, our other two MH cities, are two other ideal destinations to enjoy a different Christmas. Living Christmas in Prague is having the sensation of being inside a story: its traditional markets, the heat of the streets or the multiple activities to enjoy with family or friends are more than enough incentives to stay in any of our apartments in Prague or in MH Suites Palace Hotel Prague.

And if we talk about what to do at Christmas in Barcelona, the city also offers multiple activities, Christmas markets and traditions that you can enjoy staying in our fantastic apartments in Barcelona.