Category Archives: MH Experience
In this category we suggest the nearest services to our apartments to make you feel like a local in your stay in Barcelona. Discover where to shop, where to eat or where to get the basics in places of the neighborhoods around the MH Apartments.

A day by MH Apartments


Desayunar, pensar, planificar el día Nuestros apartamentos disponen de cocina para preparar todo tipo de comidas, pero no hay mejor manera que interaccionar con la gente local que desayunar en una cafetería con encanto, planificar el largo día que nos espera y disfrutar de un buen café y unas pastas. Más información Breakfast, think, plan […]

Healthy meals near our MH Apartments


Our monthly proposal talks about some establishments to eat healthily and adapted to the family budget near our apartments. Although we offer our own kitchen facilities, we know that you are on vacation and occasionally it feels like going out for a family lunch or dinner. MH Tetuan: [list][item icon=”icon-food”]Bar Venezia – Mediterranean cuisine | Gran […]